Marketing for Non-Marketers
No experience necessary for this session! Come learn simple marketing ideas for non-marketers. You will leave with great ideas You will leave with great ideas to promote your programs, facilities and events.
Needs Assessment:
Duration: 1 to 6 hours
Learning Outcomes:
You will learn:
- How to target market your community using basic marketing tools.
- How to create BAM! (Benefits Activated Marketing) within your programs, programs and write-ups
- Tips to help front-line staff better promote agency benefits.
- Ideas to generate greater customer loyalty and participation
- The most important steps to creating a marketing strategy that works to attract more customers, volunteers and revenue to your agency and programs.
Session Format: Lecture, small group discussion, audience participation
Target Audience: All
CEU Session: Yes
Proposed Chair:
Speaker: Jodi Rudick
Equipment: VCR/TV, Flip Chart, LCD Projector