Diversity Works! Building Effective Work Teams in a Culturally Diverse World
Take advantage of diversity as you build a more productive workforce. Learn to transform diverse talents and backgrounds into team assets. This program will give you valuable knowledge, test your leadership style, TEAM Aptitude and involve you in fun, team-building activities you can use with your staff.
Needs Assessment: Park and recreation agencies rely on all sorts of teams (maintenance, customer service, recreation center staff, etc.) to manage programs, departments and facilities. The success of a department is directly linked to team morale and attitude.
Duration: 1.25 or 3 hours
Learning Outcomes:
You will learn:
- How to increase productivity and quality by identifying strengths and weaknesses of everyone on your team
- Ways to reward and recognize all members no matter what their age, gender or cultural background.
- Ten deadly De-motivators and how to avoid them
- Tips to make sure everyone on your staff feels responsible and credited for problems and successes?
- What to do if you ever have trouble giving up control, responsibility and credit to your staff?
Session Format: Learners will demonstrate new skills by developing publicity strategies for use in their own agency. They will also outline a news release for submission to the media.
Target Audience: All
CEU Session: N/A
Proposed Chair: Jodi can chair her own session or will gladly work with your suggesed Session Chairperson
Speaker: Jodi Rudick & Clay Dix
Equipment: VCR/TV, Flip Chart, LCD Projector